Spring is here and many of the classes that I teach have finished up, which means, it is time for me to get back to creating and finishing up some of my own creative projects! There are a few tunes I will be finishing up with my producer/drummer friend, Colin Robinson (thank God he has the patience of a saint), and a few artsy projects, such as Teach Me To Fly t-shirts and a couple paintings that need to be completed. I just ordered a few of the t-shirts yesterday, once they arrive, I will, naturally, post a picture.
My family just took a short trip to Florida, and I cannot wait until that warm weather has moved in here in Philly. I find it invigorating and it breathes new life into my worn down winter spirit!
I posted a couple gigs on my gig page, if you can come out, I'm pretty sure you will have an excellent time!! Both of the ones currently listed are all original music shows, so, if you are into that, please join me! There will be other singer/songwriters with me on those shows, so, if you aren't crazy about my tunes, I am pretty sure you will find something to your liking!
Enjoy the blossoms, stock up on Zyrtec, and jump into spring with something new on the horizon!! Not sure what to do? Paint a room in your house, organize your closet, donate bunches of stuff, take up an instrument, chat with an old friend, take up ballroom dance, honestly, the list is endless.
Sending love,
Plug alert!!!
I just finished reading my friend, Jennie Goutet's book, A Friend In Paris. If you want to read a sweet romantic story, one that holds your attention and is thoroughly entertaining, check it out. I knew Jennie back in my NYC days, but she is currently living in Paris with her French husband and their three children.